How to make a budget for first timers to save more & get rich

Image showing a graph if money increasing to 1.46 million dollars in 28 years.

Looking for the easy way to make a budget? Here it is. Like most people, when you think of budgeting and organizing your finances, you think “ain’t nobody got time for that!”.

Simplest Budget Spreadsheet

Image of the ain't nobody got time for that meme.

Well make time, my friend! You don’t want to live like Sweet Brown, do you? Ain’t nobody got time for that! Get yourself on a budget and you’ll be well on your way to getting rich. Here’s how.

1 – Earn Money

At the top of any budget is how much money you earn. We’re going to make a monthly budget because everything else is weird. If you get paid weekly, bi-weekly, or anything else, you’ll need to do a little math to estimate your monthly income.

Two easy ways to estimate your income.

3-Month Average: Take your last 3 months of paychecks and add them up. Take that total and divide by 3. 


When Paycheck
3 months ago $3,000
2 months ago $4,500
last month $3,000
TOTAL $10,500
AVERAGE $3,500 / month

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Stronghold Financial portfolio checkup review – update

Image of Stronghold Financial homepage.

Image of Stronghold Financial homepage.

So, I wrote a quick review of Tony Robbins’ recommended Stronghold Financial portfolio checkup software in the early stages of it’s release. My initial review was for the common investor to take caution. It was a simple ploy to get a lot of people to signup for their investment advisor services through Tony Robbins’ genius marketing skills. Now, 8 months later, I’ve decided to give the service a second chance. Here is my updated review of Stronghold Financial’s portfolio checkup software.

One Giant Sales Landing Page

If you go to the Stronghold Financial homepage, of which I am purposely choosing not to link to, you will be presented with one giant sales landing page. It’s much better constructed compared to the original version. The first thing to pop up is a quick explainer video by Ajay Gupta. I’m kind of surprised they couldn’t get Tony to do the explainer video. It arguably would’ve been 15x more effective (Tony’s trust factor is so damn high). Alas, you get boring Ajay in front of a bunch of framed certificates (how many colleges did you graduate from, man?) telling you to sign up and trust the advisors he’s hand-picked to make your investing decisions for you.

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